Complaints from customersComplaints from customers

Complaints from customers | Registration | Handling procedures | Notifications
Get the customer satisfaction effect and properly handle complaints. Set a high standard of service and limit the subsequent complaints to a minimum
  • Efficient handling of the complaint process while maintaining a high standard is a real challenge for every company. The occurrence of complaints is inevitable and therefore their marginalisation, which often takes place in the companies, is a huge mistake made by the managers.

    Proper handling of the complaint process not only causes satisfaction and maintaining the Customer, but it also allows to collect a lot of important information which improve production in a significant way. Based on the statistics of complaints, the number of defects that arise in the production process can be very easily reduced, which improves the product itself and minimises the costs associated with handling subsequent complaints.



  • well-informed customers
  • electronic register of complaints
  • systematic way of handling the application
  • maintaining the timely regime of handling the case
  • supervision of the whole process
  • possibility of creating statistics to improve products
  • knowledge base of emerging problems
  • Base of solutions to recurring problems
 Reklamacje od odbiorców

The product includes:

  • Electronic archive with the function of building relationships between documents
  • Preparation for integration with the database of contractors
  • Dedicated profile card containing glossary fields relevant to the complaint processes
  • Workflow process for complaint with response deadline parameterisation
  • Functions of complaint case presentation in any systems, clusters, selections
  • Calculation functions that calculate quantitative and valuable parameters of the complaint claim
  • Notifications and escalations
  • Registration and access to the full log of event history of the document and the case

Who will benefit:

  • Product Manager
  • Production department
  • Development department
  • Customer service


1. Customer notification (e-mail, phone, etc.).
2. Starting the process by filling in the case profile card.
3. Submitting the complaint - introducing to the register of complaints.
4. Confirmation of accepting the item to the service.
5. Validity verification (single- or multi-stage).
6. The report from the inspection.
7. Confirmation of validity – informing the Customer.
8. Preparing a solution.
9. Fixing/removing the problem.
10. Summary of costs.
11. Sending to the customer – information about sending.
12. Closing the complaint

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elliteq sp. z o.o.

  Chorzowska 109A, 40-101 Katowice
  32 718 65 70
  biuro @