Demand managementDemand management

Purchase orders | Completing | Acceptance
Handling internal needs is the most common automated business process solution of DMS/ECM after workflow applications for invoice acceptance. Automating the demand process gives a very quickly measurable financial benefit in the form of a centralized knowledge base system on the company’s expenditure
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    Another area of savings is the time spent on often improvised procedures for demand placement and perhaps not the most vital yet still important aspect of saving paper and printing supplies through electronic demand forms used in a process consisting of several steps.

    This process consists of the following steps: demand registration, approval by the department manager, approval by the management member, forwarding the demand to the purchasing department, consolidation of the demands flowing to the sector specialist in the supply department into a collective order to the supplier. The user who initiated the demand can keep track of changes in its status without asking the purchasing department.

    The accounting department obtains a simplification of the purchase invoice assignment process if it is associated with the demand already accepted. Anyone interested in purchasing gains the knowledge base and statistics concerning the processes from demand to the implementation of the contract.



  • Safe and permanent digital repository
  • Quick access to documents through search mechanisms
  • Significant savings in time spent on manual demand handling
  • Gaining knowledge base about purchasing processes
 Obsługa zapotrzebowań

The product includes:

  • Physical document repository
  • Workflow process server
  • Notification and escalation mechanisms
  • Mechanism logging every decision in the process
  • Simple and advanced search module
  • The mechanism of building dynamic report lists (i.e. search folders)

Who will benefit:

  • Merchants – management board members
  • Controlling department
  • Purchasing department
  • Department employees

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elliteq sp. z o.o.

  Chorzowska 109A, 40-101 Katowice
  32 718 65 70
  biuro @