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You are here: COMPLAINTS: The procedures and deadlines for dealing with complaints


Check products dedicated to you:

Complaints from customersComplaints from customers

Complaints from customers | Registration | Handling procedures | Notifications
Get the customer satisfaction effect and properly handle complaints. Set a high standard of service and limit the subsequent complaints to a minimum

Supply complaintsSupply complaints

Complaints from suppliers | Registration | Handling complaints | Notifications
The delivery of materials necessary for production is inextricably linked to complaints arising from an unacceptable level of supply quality, quantitative inconsistency due to the physical parameters not meeting the requirements of the contract. Using the Elliteq solution for handling supply complains provides you with precise registration of complaints lodged to the suppliers, and then keeps track of deadlines and consistently enforces due warranty obligations
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elliteq sp. z o.o.

  Chorzowska 109A, 40-101 Katowice
  32 718 65 70
  biuro @