Offer and sales processOffer and sales process

Offers | Sales | Valuation | Discount | e-Invoice
Always intuitively keep all source and auxiliary documents (e.g. inquiry, order, calculation, pricing, reviews) at hand. Organized bidding processes are the key to effective sales so use elliteq’s sales processes and leave the competition behind
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    If you expect orderly sales and offer processes and so that:

    - offers coming out of your company retain the elements required by the approved templates,

    - price positions are based on the current price lists and calculators,

    - items offered are unambiguous equivalents of positions in the list of products,

    use elliteq “Offer and sales process” to support the processes of offers and sales. Our solution may also help you in the correct and proper process of discounting the Customer.



  • safe and non-volatile electronic archive price lists, inquiries, orders, offers and related documents on relations
  • knowledge of the history of the offer process, change history content offer
  • necessary tools such as price lists, discounting rules, history and access to offers for the given Customer available “at hand”
  • shortening the process of preparing offers through a structured and supervised workflow process
  • certainty that the offer will be submitted instead of being neglected through the mechanisms of substitutions, notifications, and escalations
  • ensured calculation correctness
  • certainty of qualifying the Customer to the appropriate discount group
  • compliance of the offer sent with the sales and marketing procedures of the company
  • guarantee of sending the offer approved by the manager responsible for the value or subject matter of the offer
  • history of negotiations with the Customer visible through the new versions of the offer
  • automatic start of next workflow paths (e.g. for the winning offer, circulation: “Creating a Contract”, “Setting Up a Project and Budgeting”, “Invoice Approval”, ...)
  • easy implementation of the new seller in offer processes through the implemented workflow procedures and archives of offers price lists and documents.
 Procesy ofertowania i sprzedaży

Produkt zawiera:

  • archiwizację elektroniczną ofert i skojarzonych z nią dokumentów
  • repozytorium szablonów ofert
  • repozytorium cenników i reguł rabatowania
  • mechanizmy pozwalające budować struktury relacji pomiędzy dokumentami, sprawami, zadaniami
  • predefiniowane ścieżki obiegu spraw (z opcją kroków ad-hoc)
  • [yt_list_style_item]proste i zaawansowane mechanizmy wyszukiwania dokumentów i spraw[/yt_list_style_item]
  • możliwość zapamiętywania zapytań wyszukiwania dzięki czemu uzyskuje się zbiór dynamicznych raportów i zestawień
  • automatyczne powiadomienia mailowe
  • rejestrację i dostęp do pełnego logu historii zdarzeń dokumentu i sprawy

Who will benefit:

  • commercial directors responsible for offer and sales processes
  • employees responsible for offers
  • estimators
  • Marketing department employees


1. On the basis of the received offer inquiry, a sales department employee creates an initial offer by using the approved template. Then, they indicate a price list which will be used in the document repository, or send the details of the Customer's requirements to a specialist (e.g. estimator, technologist)
2. The estimator or the technologist performs calculation and the workflow mechanisms sends it to the employee of the sales department, who complements the sends the ready offer to the approval by the director or, if it is required e.g. due to the high value of the offer, to the member of the Board.
3. The merchant accepts and asks for an explanation. The accepted offer is ready to be sent by electronic or conventional mail.
4. The fact of sending via conventional mail is recorded in the office module, and the seller waits for the response of the Customer.
5. The decision of the Customer is recorded in the system by giving the offer process the appropriate status.
6. Usually it is both necessary to record the negotiating arrangements with the Customer and to select a proper reason for rejecting the offer from the glossary.


What the offer is won? It is very simple.
You may start several related circulations such as contract, project budgeting, production order, invoicing, etc.

Another advantage of the solution is that offer making itself may be also a sub-process of the main process, e.g. the process of handling internal orders. Offer making can also conditionally trigger the circulations of other related cases, such as creating the agreement, setting up the project and budgeting, invoice approval. In this regard, our product is very flexible.


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elliteq sp. z o.o.

  Chorzowska 109A, 40-101 Katowice
  32 718 65 70
  biuro @